Benefits & Active ingredients

An avant-garde formula, at the cutting edge of research to counter the effects of aging

MyCollagenRepair combines 9 powerful active ingredients, all of natural origin, with the aim of acting at the molecular and cellular level to give your body the essential ingredients to reverse the effects of time.

In addition to the quadruple association of marine collagen peptides, hyaluronic acid, vitamin C and vitamin E, MyCollagenRepair will provide your body with nutrients specifically studied to act at the heart of your cells and on your collagen damaged by glycation.

First of all, the association Coenzyme Q10 and SOD will act at the intra-cellular level to bring energy and protection to your cells.

Then the combination of rosmarinic acid and silymarin will help reverse and prevent the glycation process that affects your collagen and its properties of elasticity and maintenance of the skin.

A very strong antioxidant power

162 VS 70: MyCollagenRepair declared “exceptional quality product” by the IEA (European Institute of Antioxidants) to fight against oxidative stress with an outstanding score of 162 on the PAOT scale.

Key benefits of MyCollagenRepair

Targeting the skin, your cells and your DNA throughout your body, the multiple benefits of MyCollagenRepair make it a true concentrate of pure youth.

  • With age, a chemical reaction between your collagen and sugar molecules occurs. This is called glycation. AGEs (Advanced Glycation End-Products) are formed, which are collagen molecules grouped with sugar and which thus lose their elasticity properties and maintain the overall structure of our cells and skin.

    It is on this association collagen / sugar that come to act rosmarinic acid as well as silymarin. First, rosmarinic acid breaks the bond that has formed between the collagen and the sugar, thus restoring its initial properties.

    Then, silymarin will come in a second time to prevent the formation of new AGEs, thus preserving the good health of your collagen structure, both in your skin and at the cellular level.

  • This double protection is due to the presence in MyCollagenRepair of Coenzyme Q10 as well as SOD, active ingredients naturally present in your cells to protect your DNA from the effects of oxidative stress. But, as with collagen, with age we produce less of it, hence the need to supplement.

    These two active ingredients will come to the heart of your cells to protect your mitochondria (Coenzyme Q10) and your DNA (SOD) from the ravages of time.

  • Hydration is provided by the high concentration of hyaluronic acid:

    An important natural component of the skin, hyaluronic acid is synthesized by fibroblasts and helps retain collagen,increase hydration andprovide elasticity and suppleness.

    In the body, hyaluronic acid and collagen work together to maintain the skin’s structure.

  • Elastin is, with collagen, a protein that gives the skin its elasticity and flexibility.

    Its synthesis by the body decreases with age. The aggressions of the external environment (pollution, sun, stress) alter its composition and cause wrinkles, loss of elasticity of the skin.

  • As a dietary supplement, marine collagen has a smoothing effect on wrinkles and fine lines. It revitalizes the skin, making it more supple, firm and toned, thanks to its antioxidant action against free radicals.

    Collagen provides the mechanical strength of connective tissue, and hyaluronic acid serves to lubricate the same tissue.

  • The marine collagen peptides, the main active ingredients of our supplement, stimulate the action of elastin and provide tone and a radiant complexion. They also act on theuniformity of skin tone by causing cells to produce less melanin, which is the cause of brown spots and hyperpigmentation.

    Improvement of the firmness and thebrightness of the skin of the face. Imperfections erased.

  • Natural collagen production decreases with age. Over time, collagen fibers stretch: the skin is less dense and plump, the tissues slacken and deep wrinkles appear.

    Highly bioavailable, marine collagen peptides are effectively absorbed by the body to fight against the signs of aging and leave the skin visibly younger.

9 major ingredients to stimulate, nourish & protect the skin